
The death of a loved one, regardless of the circumstances, can be a traumatic time in the lives of those left behind.

If you wish to enquire about holding a funeral service at St Augustine’s or having a funeral conducted either at a Crematorium, Funeral Parlour, or elsewhere, please contact our Rector, Rev’d Heller. He will work closely with your chosen Funeral Directors to provide a service tailored to your needs/ requirements.

The Reception of the Body into the church may take place the evening before the Funeral, as part of a short Service (Vigil) with the deceased remaining in the church overnight, but it may occur immediately before The Funeral, depending on arrangements.

santuary lampIf you would like to have the Sanctuary Lamp in Church burning in memory of your loved one, a note of dedication in our weekly pew-sheet, or to provide flowers in memory and thanksgiving for anniversaries, etc, please make arrangements with the Church office.

The Sanctuary candle burns for one week, and reminds us of God’s presence with us at all times, even as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

Each year, in the time surrounding All Saints/All Souls days (1-2 Nov) St Augustine’s holds a special Service of Remembrance.

All those who have lost loved ones over the last few years or so are invited to come to this Service. The names of those who have died are read out and relatives and friends are invited to come forward and light a candle.

You do not need to be a member of St Augustine’s to get in touch with us for Funerals or Memorial Services.